Episode 302 – Doro Pesch & Joey Vera
We are bringing you a damn fine metal double header this week as we welcome Doro Pesch and Joey Vera for episode 302.
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We spoke with Doro after a killer performance on her Boston area tour stop. 30 years in and she shows no signs of stopping and is still as passionate as ever about metal and the fans. Doro will be kicking off her European leg of the tour on 24-Nov. Head over to the official site to get all the dates. Also Doro let us know that they are five songs into the new album so be on the watch for that too.
Here’s the first track from the upcoming disc
Also make sure you pick up a copy of the latest Doro DVD. It’s a seven hour epic celebration of her 30 years of making great metal. Here’s a taste.
Doro’s official site is: doromusic.de/
Long time listeners know that Armored Saint is the unofficial band of Focus on Metal. That makes it very cool that this week Joey Vera makes his second appearance on the show as we discuss the Armored Saint Pledge Music campaign, Fates Warning, and other metal topics. If you haven’t done so I would urge you to check out the campaign they have some sweet metal merch on offer. C’mon what metalhead wouldn’t want their very own Armored Saint workshirt?
How bout’ some Fates Warning
All things Armored Saint can be found at: armoredsaint.com/ and their Pledge Music campaign is HERE
Track of the week comes courtesy of AFM artist Serious Black from their sophomore release “Mirrorworld”. Find em’ at serious-black.com/
And as always Focus On Metal…Everything Else is Insignificant.