Episode 422 – Vivian Campbell
Vivian Campbell returns to the show this week to talk Last in Line, Def Leppard and more.
Here’s Viv cranking out a classic solo during the M3 festival
Also this week we welcome Chloe Lowery to the show. Chloe has been busting out vocals for TSO for several years and now she’s also out with Rocktopia. Richie happened to run into here while on the Rocktopia tour bus and promised her we would get her on the show. So… promise kept. Chloe has a solo release out “The In-Between” and signed copies are available at her site ChloeLowery.com/
Track of the week is from JORN off their new release for Frontiers dropping June 14th, “Live On Death Road”, a recording of their 2018 Frontiers Festival set. It’s available in several formats including a 2 CD/DVD digipak.
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