Here’s how it started……..


   Ok ok enough of your Poisons and your Cinderellas, when are you going to get to the real good timeless shit. Sometime towards the end of ’87 actually. Metallica this Metallica that Metallica everywhere and this was years before the Black album. Back then they could do no wrong in everyones eyes because they had the material to back it up. You don’t need me to tell you how good this album is. I did get to see them play it all live a couple of years ago and it was one of the best gigs I’d ever been to. Seeing them rip through Disposable Heroes made it for me. Have to say that ….And Justice For All is my favourite album of all time.

   As for Megadeth well lets say we didn’t get off on the right foot. They were the big news story in the first Kerrang I ever bought. I had to hear what all the fuss was about so I picked up Peace Sells and thought it was the biggest piece of shit I’d ever heard. Where were the hooks, the songs and the “vocals”. I kept at it and at it and eventually something clicked. Riff after riff after riff. Similar to Metallica but different if that makes any sense. Love the cover. They are better then Metallica in the studio now.


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