ION VEIN: IV v2.0 Digital Release (DR) Now Available

Mortal Music is pleased to announce that Chicago-based metallers ION VEIN’s IV v2.0 is the next release in its DR (digital release) series and is available now via iTunes, Amazon,

and all other major digital media outlets everywhere.

Commented the band: “We’re ecstatic to present this next “chapter” of songs to you, as we feel it will further help you to see and understand the vision and direction that we have for ION VEIN so enjoy!”

The songs on IV v2.0 were produced/engineered and mixed by Neil Kernon (NILE, NEVERMORE, QUEENSRYCHE, REDEMPTION), who also contributed the main guitar solo on the song “Seemless,” and mastered by Alan Douches, both of whom worked on the IV v1.0 release as well.

A video teaser for the DR has been posted at this location

IV v2.0 is available on iTunes and other digital music retailers.

01. Seemless (Take Me Away) (3:22)

02. Fool’s Parade (3:34)

03. This is Me (4:29) 

The DR concept was developed by Mortal Music as taking a snap shot of an album of music and releasing it into the market a “chapter” at a time, so to speak, to allow it to work its way into the marketplace faster and to help alleviate the musical overload fans and press alike are experiencing these days with so many options available. The full-length album will then be available on CD at the end of the cycle for those that still collect physical product.

Additionally, Mortal Music has also announced that the IV v1.0 DR is now available via all of your favorite digital media sources as well.

Click here to purchase IV v1.0 on iTunes. 

** IV v1.0 and IV v2.0 purchase links



Praise for IV v1.0

“Guitarist and founder Chris Lotesto writes metal with hair on the chest and the new singer Scott Featherstone has lungs like a grizzly which is perfect for this type of macho metal. This is definitely for metal heads that dig bands like TT Quick, Myofist, Sword and Picture.” 

“All three combining the intense energy and flowing melodic play in a forceful and engaging encounter.” RingMaster Review

“Vocals are executed on par with the drums and guitars yielding layers of complexity and depth for the listeners. The closer, Anger Inside, carries to the end what was started in terms of pace and talent. There is real commitment by all members on this and all tracks on 1.0. It is truly a treat for listeners to hear this kind of power and emotion from the artists. It lets us know that they truly value their craft and have something to say.” 

Alternative Matter

“It may have been a lengthy journey, but Ion Vein have come through this rebirth a stronger, leaner and more aggressive beast and while they have always been a force to be reckoned with, the three track taster gives the hope that album number three could be very impressive indeed!”  Sea of Tranquility



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