Little Caesar’s Ron Young Joins Us Once Again on This Weeks Focus on Metal to Give The Short(ish) History of Manic Eden.

30 years ago on March 12 1994 Manic Eden released their one and only album. Although the band was a melding of Whitesnake & Little Caesar the resulting music was never intended to sound like either element. Little Caesar main man Ron Young makes his second appearance on FoM this week to discuss the story of Manic Eden as well as what’s going on with Little Caesar and some candid thoughts on the music business in 2024. And Ron being Ron there is no shortage of tales to tell so strap in for a long and hopefully entertaining episode. BTW, the actual Manic Eden talk doesn’t start until about 50 minutes in, yep Ron’s a talker. Did I mention that this is a loooong one?

Music Theories/Mascot has also reissued this one last month on CD and for the first time a limited run on red vinyl. Get em while they last.

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