After a successful opening slot as special guests of Steel Panther in their hometown of Madison, Wisconsin, metal conquistadors LORDS OF THE TRIDENT are celebrating by launching their brand new Patreon pledge campaign!
Lords of the Trident vocalist Fang VonWrathenstein has checked in with the following metal news flash:
As many of you know, the music industry has changed drastically over the past 15 years. Gone are the days of gold-plated-shark-tank-bars and artists actually making a living after signing a record deal. A Patreon campaign seeks to change that situation by cutting out the middle man – the record company – entirely.

Fans of the band pledge a monthly donation, and in return, get awesome Patreon-only rewards! What kind of rewards, you may ask? All SORTS of cool stuff, including Patreon-exclusive shirts, behind-the-scenes content, and a invite to a yearly Patreon-backer-only private concert!
And if you pledge the $5 level or more before 12/25, you’ll get a FREE MP3 copy of our latest EP: re:Quests, the Kickstarter Covers EP!
This EP will be released on Christmas Day, but if you want to hear it before the release date, pledge to our Patreon and you’ll receive it right away!
We want to stress that this is optional – pledge or not, we’re still going to continue to make the most metal music you’ve ever heard. But if you want to help us take Lords to the next level – more music, more videos, more everything – please consider donating to our campaign.
Thank you!! Whether or not you choose to pledge, we want to thank all of you for supporting us over the past seven years. It’s amazing fans like you that keep the Lords going – THANK YOU!
Lords of the Trident Patreon pledge campaign link
Lords of the Trident Patreon video link
Upcoming Lords of the Trident battles:
12/12/15 – Wisconsin Brewing Company – Madison, Wisconsin
1/2/16 – Mead & Metal Fest (High Noon Saloon) – Madison, Wisconsin
1/22/16 – TBA – Indianapolis, Indiana
1/23/16 – Powerfest V (Madison Theatre) – Covington, Kentucky
2/19/16 – The Elbo Room – Chicago, Illinois
3/18/16 – The Frequency – Madison, Wisconsin
3/19/16 – Izzy’s – Berlin, Wisconsin