Metal Mental Overload

Another episode of Focus on Classic Metal

This one kicks off with a discussion about the huge amount of new metal choices available every week. Is it making these new songs disposable compared with the classic albums? Will new metal fans have the same connection with these songs years from now like some of us do with the first albums that brought us into metal’s glorious embrace. As long as we are talking releases we may as well throw in a new releases update. So we did.

But wait there’s more, John Katic talks with Kingdom Come main man Lenny Wolf, Wargasm hits the scrap pile, and it’s time once again to play “Six Degrees of Steve Harris”
Metal Overload indeed.

And rememberā€¦Focus On Metal, Everything else is insignificant.

On a sad noteā€¦
22-April K.K. Downing announced he was retiring from Judas Priest. For all the detail hit
For those of us on the classic team, this was indeed sad to hear. K.K. has always been the unsung heart & soul of the Priest.

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