Newsted- Heavy Metal Music (Chophouse Records)

    Even when Metallica sold millions of albums in the 90’s Jason Newsted remained the one member the fans felt was still one of us. Lars wore the white leather jacket, James put on the country hat and Kirk disappeared on his surfboard. Jason was the metal guy, the one who did all the meet and greets, who gave it his all on stage every night. He sang Whiplash like he meant every word. He was a Metallica fan before he joined and never lost sight of what made them a great band. Creatively the band treated him like shit. The proofs there for all to see, a co-writing credit on 3 songs over a 10 year period. Just fuck off over there and play bass will you and we have our doubts whether you can even do that.

   Sure the dollars helped but inside he must have been dying, all that effort for brand Metallica and sweet fuck all recognition from the band. The straw that broke the camels back was James refusing him permission to play on outside projects. Jason said fuck that I’m off, a decision that spoke volumes about the man. Years of band turmoil and health issues took their toll and meant  Jason has been off the map for the guts of a decade only recently returning with the Newsted ep.

   Now we have the first full release of his new band Newsted and it’s a corker. Mix some Sabbath with Motorhead and some of the heavier 90’s era Metallica and you’re somewhat there. Jason himself handles all lead vocals and the recruiting of Staind guitarist Mike Mushok is an inspired move, I hated Staind as they were one of those miserable sounding bands moaning about life whilst driving their Ferraris but here Mike shows how accomplished a player he actually is playing some tasty leads throughout.

   After hearing this you have to question why James and Lars never used more of Jason’s stuff. Put songs like ….As The Crow Flies or Ampossible on Load and it would have been a much better record. This is fucking great heavy metal music and one of my albums of 2013. Product like this remind me why I fell in love with the genre in the first place.


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