EP 305 – Stu Marshall talks Night Legion on This Weeks Focus on Metal

Episode 305 – Night Legion

The ever busy Stu “The Hammer” Marshall has a new band and this week he comes on the show to discuss all things Night Legion a killer new power metal band featuring Shannon Tipene on vocals. Their debut may still be months away but Stu was kind enough to give us a behind the scenes look at how things are shaping up. 

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Here’s some classic Death Dealer with Stu Marshall to tide you over until we have some Night Legion

Also on the show this week we bring you German live powerhouse Stepfather Fred. They just released “Dummies, Dolls and Masters” and we had most of the band on for a lively discussion.

Here’s that great cover from the album

Track of the week is from AFM artists Brainstorm from their latest “Memorial Roots (Re-Rooted)”

Here’s a little metal ditty off of Fire Soul

Follow Night Legion at facebook.com/NightLegionMetal

Stepfather Fred can be found at Stepfather-Fred.de 

and see whats up with Brainstorm at Brainstorm-web.net

And as always Focus On Metal…Everything Else is Insignificant.

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