Episode 218 – The Return of Zephaniah
Once again this week we feature a band we think you should know about. This time it’s Zephaniah, a metal band that’s returned after being out of action for several years. I was able to sit down with guitarist Justin Zych and find out the whole story as well as the scoop on their upcoming release “Reforged”. Richie and I also manage to get in a bit of a rant, I mean discussion as well.

Track of the week is also from a band that has returned after a long hiatus. Messiah’s Kiss has just released “Get Your Bulls Out” on Massacre Records this week. The last time we heard from these guys was 2007 and this new one is well worth your metal dollars.
Hook up with Zephaniah at: https://www.facebook.com/zephaniahmetal
You can find out about Messiah’s Kiss at: http://www.messiahskiss.com/ or hit them up at https://www.facebook.com/MessiahsKiss
Be sure to check out all the great metal releases from Massacre at: http://www.massacre-records.de/
Download/Stream this classic episode from deep in the Focus on Metal Vault
And as always Focus On Metal…Everything Else is Insignificant.